The concept of recycling household waste is fast catching on – and setting up a worm farm is the ultimate way to do it.
‘Everyone should have a worm farm – schools, office staff rooms, homes – because you can dramatically cut down the amount of waste you send off to the landfill every week, and that just has to be good for the environment’.
Compost worms will eat just about anything – or anything that was once living, to be more precise. ‘They will eat absolutely anything organic – even dog hair!’ Tea bags, coffee grounds, vegetable skins, the list is endless. Just don’t feed too much citrus or onion skins at once, but if they’re fed these more slowly, they will eat them too.’

Reduce Organic Waste Fast.
Produce your own organic fertilizer.
Share a Worm Farm with a neighbour/friend.
Join the Zero Waste Revolution.
Check out the video below showing our worm farm, then why not come and see for yourself how compost worms will convert your food and paper waste into rich 100% organic fertiliser.
Contact us now to arrange your visit.